Inspiration and Other Rambling Bits
I've been searching out and reading many many blogs. I use a simple search command on Google Blog Search: "Winnipeg" and I read what comes up.
One such blog, titled Colleen's Corner, is quite inspiring. Colleen writes about her recent trip to the Forks here in Winnipeg to celebrate Canada Day festivities there. Since it was written by a fellow Winnipegger, and as it touched upon a subject near and dear to my heart, I read it. I found her writing interesting, causing me to read more of her posts. This is a nice inspiring blog to read.
The flip side follows my encounter with a poster on Tom Brodbeck's blog Raise a Little Hell. It is not the first time I've run into such negative folk. It is the first time I've run into a poster that made it personal. My normal response to such a diatribe would be to unleash a verbal storm of invectives. But that would only fan the flames of this man's incredible anger. Unbelievably mind-boggling.
Other blogs and internet sites have provided me with some of the neat-o tools along the right hand side of my blog. The most recent was the Flickr badge (from Colleen's Corner) and the clock (from Felyne's blog). And here is a nice photo of the Canada Day fireworks from under the Norwood Bridge, expropriated from the Winnipeg Free Press - unh, thanks..
If anyone is reading this blog, and has interesting blogs you think I should read, or other neat-o tools, please let me know.
I recently accepted a new position with a small Winnipeg firm. The Winnipeg Free Press ran an announcement about it in today's edition. It's not everyday you get your name in the paper.
Lastly, today is my birthday.
cheers, jwh