Sunday, September 2, 2007

Self Worth, Self Determination, Self Help

Self worth. The first order of business is to give back a sense of self-worth. Pride naturally follows self-worth. And self-determination, responsibility and accountability follow pride.

As I read that it sounds more than a little pompous and condescending. I don't mean to be. But I'm not a professionally trained writer and maybe I struggle to put my thoughts down in a meaningful - not hurtful, way. Mine are simple ideas within an incredibly complex frame. Bear with me.

How do we begin? With hand-ups not hand-outs. There is a monstrous welfare state to tear down. We can't simply keep throwing piles of money around. That exacerbates the problem.

Employment. Education.

In one scenario a group of natives are bored silly. Every month come allowance time, we dole out a handful of cash, pat 'em on the head and say "there you go, you're good for the rest of the month."

In this scenario unemployment is almost 100%. There is nothing to do. Restless and bored, the answer is to par-tay. A few days later the money is gone, the hangover is raging, and now withdrawals are kicking in.

You see, nothing has changed. Except the money is gone. There is nothing left to buy groceries. Nothing left to clothe the children. Nothing left to fix the house.

Now in another scenario instead of simply handing out a pile of cash why not create jobs so people can earn an income? If houses and roads need repair create a company that fixes houses and roads. If children need day care then create a day care.

Instead of sitting around drinking and fighting, watching TV and procreating, now the formerly bored have a respectful job and earn an income, and stay busy. The homes they live in are clean and well kept. The children are well-cared for. Now more money is available to build more homes. Buy more equipment. Expand the businesses off reserves.

With the improved infrastructure kids stay in schools and receive an education. Graduate. On to university and community college becoming doctors and teachers and plumbers and electricians. When they return to their homes they bring with them skills to further develop the reserve.

Eventually, possibly, self-determination. Self-help.

downtown winnipeg images

downtown winnipeg images
source: StBPegger

source: carly's blog, james2010

source: carly's blog, james2010