Help Wanted - Yesterday!
I've recently had to deal with a few (too many) resignations at the company that pays my bills. It's a small business with four retail store-fronts and 12 employees (except for now there are 10 or 9...). So to lose two or three within two weeks of each other is a huge hit.
It means I might actually have to, the horror, serve customers. So I seek new blood. To try and save a little money I've posted ads at Kiilji, craig's list, HRDC, our web site... To little avail. The applicants, all very nice people I'm sure, simply don't stack up.
I guess I'll bite the bullet and post an ad in the Free Press at their outrageous cost. I hope that gets better results.
It is indicative of a city, Winnipeg, with record low unemployment levels. There are many jobs out there and simply not enough qualified people to fill them. It is also having an impact on salaries at the retail level. The three most recent resignations have all said they are moving on for more money. This has already had a ripple effect on the staff left behind. One approached me looking for more money and another asked for more than we were offering before accepting a promotion.
I so understand that dynamic and will respond accordingly. We have good people and I want them to know that they will receive fair pay and fair treatment when in my employ. Afterall a happy employee is a good and productive employee.
Ours is a slightly different business and requires a little more business savvy than the average retail employee. Making it all the more difficult to recruit qualified people. I can't imagine what it's like in big business in Western Canada. It must drive employers bananas.
If you know anyone looking for a job send them to RPL Ventures Inc. immediately.