Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dare to Dream

Now that we are right in the thick the Manitoba provincial election the promises are coming hard and fast. The latest election promise has governments bringing NHL hockey back to a hockey-mad city. Both the NDP and the PCs have said they support returning NHL to Winnipeg.

Most voters know that an NHL team in Winnipeg is a long shot at best. Yet they dream of the day. I support those big dreamers. And why not? Yes there certainly are other, more worthy uses of our hard earned tax dollars. And God knows our elected representatives fritter away tax dollars like it's Canadian Tire money.

There are so many that yearn for Winnipeg and Manitoba to be more than it is. Some actually put their money where their mouths are. I applaud and support them.
Manitobans will not vote for a party solely on the basis of this pipe dream. But why keep yanking the rug out from under the dreamers?

I say let them dream. And let others think big. THAT is how great things happen. That is how dreams such as the Human Rights Museum happen. Or a new arena or football stadium or rapid transit.

No, Manitobans are not stupid. But we have been held back by naysayers for far too long.

It is time we started thinking that the glass is half FULL. Dare to dream indeed...


downtown winnipeg images

downtown winnipeg images
source: StBPegger

source: carly's blog, james2010

source: carly's blog, james2010