Thursday, May 24, 2007

Don't Get Your Hopes Up Jets Fans...

It seems Canadian Jim Balsillie has purchased the Nashville Predators, a hockey hotbed if ever there was one... A few months after backing out of the Pittsburgh Penguins purchase, Balsillie plunked down about a quarter-billion dollars for the Predators. But, don't get your hopes up Jets fans.

The reason Winnipeg does not have an NHL team is nobody with about a gazillion dollars lives here or is even from here. Really deep pockets will be the first priority of any "Jets" team owner.

Balsillie is also a native son of the Southern Ontario area and is likely predisposed to move a team to that neck of the woods. That being Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge or Hamilton. They are part of an area in Southern Ontario named the Golden Horseshoe. With a population exceeding 8 million, there is no doubt they can support another team so close to Toronto and Buffalo.

Another reason Winnipeg does not have an NHL team: the Winnipeg Capital Region at best is slightly more than 700,000 souls. There are some who question whether that is enough of a population base. A legitimate question.

There is no doubt about the passion Winnipeggers and Manitobans hold for their beloved Jets. And frankly the NHL's test of US markets must be nearing exhaustion by now. Certainly the NHL in Atlanta, Florida, Phoenix, Columbus, Tampa Bay, Raleigh and others is not long for those markets. Even Bettman is not long for that league, given the pathetic TV revenues from US networks.

There is hope Jets fans. And when that day comes, I'll be first in line to plunk down whatever it takes to get my rightful seat by god.


downtown winnipeg images

downtown winnipeg images
source: StBPegger

source: carly's blog, james2010

source: carly's blog, james2010