Blogging Winnipeg
This sport called blogging is quite an interesting pastime. I look for Winnipeg-related posts in other blogs to see what is being said and spread around the cyber-world. It's interesting to say the least.
Several of the more interesting dynamics include rambling, going off topic, flawed logic, personal attacks, thin-skinned sensitive over-reaction and, frankly, extreme stupidity.
On the other hand there are those that can partake in this activity who provide solid reasoned commentary, who understand subtle nuances and innuendo. Who don't take valid rebuttal as a personal attack.
It pleases me that there are many Winnipeggers who are just as passionate about this city as I am. It is also interesting to hear from folks foreign to Winnipeg and their views, pro or con, on the daily happenings in my fair city.
In my search for "the rules of blogging" I found no hard and fast rules. Apropos to be sure. Rules don't really apply in blogging. There's an exception to everything and everything else is excepted. Having said that, and with zero credit to anyone, enjoy.
Don't get worried if somebody gets angry at you. It's not the end of the world and it's not the end of your blog. As long as you're writing and visiting/commenting/tracking honestly the vast majority of people out there are perfectly happy with you. Don't concern yourself about the ones with gentle sensibilities who can't overlook a mistake or simple lack of experience.
Keep on point. Nothing irritates more than a poster comparing apples to oranges when making a point on a topic. If'n you can't sustain your argument while staying on topic, move on.
Many bloggists and posters have little info-nuggets bouncing around in their noggins. Many post these nuggets as facts. I'm guilty of that little trap. When challenged just acknowledge the error of your ways and move on. To avoid that embarrassing problem, do a little research.
Remember. You can agree with me or you can be wrong.